Epic grass runway landing | Airplanes landing on unpaved runway

Can airliners or cargo planes land on a grass runway or an upaved runway? It is certainly a very difficult maneuver but not impossible as can be seen from these movies.. In this video we have: - Ilyushin IL 62 landing on a grass runway (1989); - Ilyushin IL 76 landing on a grass runway; - Lockheed C 130 grass runway landing test; - Boeing 737-100 grass runway landing demonstration: the Boeing 737 landing at CYHE - Hope Regional Airpark in British Columbia. This is a test flight video filmed in September 1972 by Boeing to showcase the new 737 and its capabilities; For this video thanks to: Hashtag: #airplane #aereo #flight #planes #aviation #cockpit #airport #airportjobs #landing #boeing737 #boeing Amazon #Affiliates - Remove Before Flight - Remove Before Fly T-Shirt - Flight Crew
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