The Story of the Emerald Ring. All Scenes. Part 2. Mahidevran steals the ring. English voiceover

Magnificent Century English voiceover The story of Hurrem ring History of the Magic Ring The Emerald Ring Story Magnificent Century Scenes : Season 1 Episode 3 Mustafa, come here! Get away from that woman! What are you doing? Let go of my son! He fell and I helped him up. This ring is mine! How dare you wear it! Give it to me! You thief! The Sultan gave it to me! You can’t have it. You will give it to me! Give it to me! - My Sultan, don’t! - You will give it to me! - My Sultan, don’t! Thief! You have stolen everything from me! - Please don’t! Thief! Help me! Run! Hurry up! Summon the physician. Hürrem! Come! Come. What happened? What’s all the commotion? - What did you do? - I didn’t do anything. She saw this, look. Sultan Süleyman gave it to me. She suddenly fainted. The emerald ring. The ring His Majesty made himself. Diamonds and is so big! - Can you let me put it on once? - It’s mine. I cannot give it to you, it’s forbidden. Tell me Chief Physician, what’s wrong? Valide Sultan, Mashalla, she is all right. Do not be concerned. You should be the first to hear. Sultan Mahidevran is with child. Mahidevran. You are looking great. I am well, Your Majesty. You have made me happy. Why? Why did you do it? Why did you give her my ring? That is how I wanted it. That is what I saw fit to do. Look at us. My love has become the Padishah but I have lost him. Help me. Alexandra! Who is the teacher of this Russian concubine? She is to be taught some respect and manners. How rude can she be? She barely even squeezed out a greeting. I will not rest while she has that ring. So that emerald ring is on Hürrem’s finger. You didn’t hear it from me. But there may be a fight at any moment. She is to maintain her composure if she is a Haseki Sultan. I won’t allow them to rile up the palace with such matters, Daye. Make the appropriate warnings. I cannot be involved. Trust me, my Sultan. I want what was stolen from me. Ayşe Hatun, come. Do you understand what you are to do? I understand, but how do I...? Use your head. You will be well compensated for this service. Don’t forget. You know nothing, you have seen and heard nothing. Or you will burn. Now go. - All right. Ayşe! What are you doing there? Nothing, I am going to my chamber. - Hurry up and go then. It isn’t here! The ring isn’t here! It isn’t here! Where is it? What are you yelling about? Be quiet! You took it! Give me the ring back! - You took it! - Stop making accusations or I’ll hurt you! - Where is it? - I don’t have it! - Let go of me! - Shut up! What is this yelling? - She stole Sultan Süleyman’s ring. She’s lying, Nigar kalfa. I’ll kill her! All of you, out of the hamam! Now! Don’t leave! Look for the ring! The ring is missing! You can’t leave! What’s going on? You seem alarmed. What now? There’s been a fight in the hamam. Hürrem Hatun made a scene claiming her ring had been stolen. She says that the Sultan’s ring has been stolen. Who would dare? Have them look for it immediately! Scour the Harem and find that ring! Thievery is an unforgivable crime. She must’ve hidden it herself. She is probably lying. All of you, get off your beds and come here! Now! Stop dawdling! Come on, quicker! Come on! Let’s go! Get in line! Be silent and listen! A ring was lost in the hamam tonight. Whoever finds it will immediately bring it to me. - Whose ring is it? - Hürrem Hatun’s ring. A gift from Sultan Süleyman. Very important. This incident of thievery poisons this Harem. We will hopefully solve it very soon. Now, the attendants will conduct a search. They will turn everything inside out. Do you understand? You thoroughly look inside the rooms. The female servants will frisk the ladies. Come on, let’s go! Did you find it? We searched everywhere. We can’t find it, Hürrem Hatun. Listen to me! Whoever has taken it shall leave it by the rock behind the yard before disgracing herself more. This could all end before sunrise. It will be too late tomorrow. Think long and hard. Or else there will be punishment. There will be exile. Hürrem I know it. She took the ring. - Who did? Mahidevran took it. magnificent century full episodes english voiceover
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