Aliexpress XHP160 vs REAL XHP160 - Comparatia directa intre cele doua lanterne ( English subtitled )
In acest material video vom compara doua lanterne promovate in mediul online sub aceeasi denumire, asta cu toate ca lanternele sunt foarte diferite din cele mai multe punte de vedere. Ledurile celor doua lanterne seamana intr-o oarecare masura, insa dupa cum veti observa sunt diferite atat ca numar de nuclee cat si ca putere, forma, temperatura de culoare. Voi incerca sa evidentiez cat mai bine diferenta dintre cele doua lanterne si in special intre cele doua leduri. Fiecare dintre ele au plusuri si minusuri, vom discuta despre ele pe parcursul acestui material.
In momentele importnate clipul este subtitrat in engleza.
In this video we will compare two flashlights promoted online under the same name, although the flashlights are very different from most points of view. The LEDs of the two flashlights are somewhat similar, but as you will see they are different both in number of cores and in power, shape, color temperature. I will try to highlight as much as possible the difference between the two flash
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3 years ago 00:15:36 1
Aliexpress XHP160 vs REAL XHP160 - Comparatia directa intre cele doua lanterne ( English subtitled )