The Kursk Update: The Turning Point of the War

In this video I compare Ukrainian, Russian, Western mainstream and Western alternative narratives about the Kursk Incursion into Russia by Ukrainian forces. I also discuss what we know today and did not know a week ago about: foreign mercenaries in Kursk, alleged mistreatment of the population, exaggerated claims of advancement, and interpretations as to who prepared and organized this incursion. And finally I compare the views of alternative American analysts to that of the mainstream media. is a Russian born American historian, now retired, who served as an Associate Professor of Soviet History at Harvard University. He is the author of 7 books on Russian-Soviet history. The latest is: From Vladimir Lenin to Vladimir Putin: Russia in Search of Its Identity.(London: Routledge 2024) It is available on Amazon or from the publisher. Here is the link: ( Brovkin&crid=30MTVL7K745PQ&sprefix=vladimir brovkin,aps,168&ref=nb_sb_noss_1 One book was published in
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