Ukraine’s Kursk Op Slows as Russian Gains Speed Up

Update on the conflict in Ukraine for August 25, 2024… - Western media admits Ukraine has dangerously overextended itself through its Kursk incursion; - Western media claims Russia is unable to use glide bombs in Kursk because of poor “air-control systems,” however, glide bombs are used primarily to break heavy fortifications which the Western media admits Ukraine is not building in Kursk; - Despite claims that Russia’s response was “disjointed,” Ukraine’s Kursk operation has become a liability, costing it irreversibly lost territory along the actual line of contact; - The more territory Ukraine attempts to hold in Kursk, the more troops and equipment it must divert from the actual line of contact; - Western media reports admit that Russian progress in the Donbass has accelerated since the Kursk incursion began; - Ukraine is not building the type of fortifications required to hold onto Kursk in the long-term with Western officials/analysts admitting that once Ru
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