Bankrupt - A Million Billboards

Magyar változat: A Million Billboards It’s a masterclass in trolling Thank you all for enrolling No IQ test for joining How can you be so annoying? State TV mass hypnosis Fake news in extreme doses These things can always rile me up Anything goes – I pay A million billboards – I pay Your army of trolls – I pay It always winds me up Smear campaigns work no longer They’ve made the new guy stronger Try harder, Prime Fearmonger Ask for some more cash to launder Welcome to a sovereign country Where spies and pedos run free These things can always rile me up Anything goes – I pay… Keep the message elementary We’ll get nuked if Vlad gets angry Better keep the old man happy War is bad, so vote for Daddy This sect is a weird subculture This white dove looks like a vulture Time to kick him off the pulpit Ignore all this bullhorn bullshit Seen the polls? Not highly rated Boss, you must be hibernated This will be the last maneuver Move it, see you in the future Embrace the downward spiral Watch your rival going viral Let’s hope that we’ll be moving on Anything goes – I pay… Always winds me up Always winds me up Always irritates me Always winds me up Mixed and recorded by Mátyás Botlik (Grenma Studio) Artwork by Richárd Vass
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