[Instr] “To a Decisive Battle“, “Advance and Advance“ (Moranbong Band) {DPRK Music}
0:00 《결전의 길로》 / “To a Decisive Battle“
3:47 《진군 또 진군》 / “Advance and Advance“
모란봉악단 / Ансамбль Моранбон / Moranbong Band
주체101(2012)년 7월 28일 / 28 июля 2012 г. / July 28, 2012
From the performance given by the Moranbong Band for celebrating the war victory day (July 27).
Концерт полностью / Full Concert:
조선중앙텔레비죤 / Корейское центральное телевидение / Korean Central Television (KCTV)