Tolkien’s Secret Vice | Escape Into Meaning

MY BOOK IS OUT NOW! GET IT HERE: Read “A Secret Vice“ by . Tolkien: BOOK FAQS: *Will the book be sold internationally?* Yes, Escape Into Meaning should available for shipping to most places around the world where English-language books are sold. Amazon is your best bet, but local retailers can also order books from abroad (may just take a bit longer). I don’t have a full list of where it’s available, and I don’t control this in any way, so I’m sorry if you can’t get the hardcover where you live. *Will the book be translated into other languages?* Escape Into Meaning is only available in English for now. Translated versions usually don’t happen unless there are significant sales. If this book gets translated, that means something went really right, but we won’t know that for some time. If there are going to be translations, I will let you know as soon as I do. *Is there an audiobook, and do you read it?* Yes, there is an audiobook, and yes I read it (which was such a thrill to do). It is available on Audible here: And it’s also available from other platforms, all of which you can find at the Simon & Schuster master link: *Will you be doing live events for Escape Into Meaning?* Yes! I will be doing 2 in-person events. One at The Strand in NYC. Tickets here: And I will be doing another at The Grove Barnes & Noble in Los Angeles. Tickets here: These will be the only live events I’ll be doing. I’m sorry if you don’t live near these cities — but I will be doing a livestream event that will be available for everyone. When I have the link and details for that, I will share it with you. I will update this as more questions come in. Thanks! ISBN 978-1-9821-6395-2
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