How does climate change affect our bodies?

We hear a lot about the impact of climate change on the ice-caps, and polar bears. But what about us? How will a changing climate impact our physiology? From increases in global temperatures affecting our thermorgulation, to the harmful effects of pollution on our cardiovascular system and the effect of a more plant-based diet on our bodies, this animation explores what a changing climate means for us! Subscribe to our channel and follow us on Twitter (@ThePhysoc ), Facebook (), and Instagram (/Physoc) to keep up with the science of life. Produced by Orinoco Communications Animation: Hayley Evenett Illustration: Alex Scarfe Sound Design/Music: Alexander Bradley Narration: Elisa Canas Director: Peter Barker Scientific advisors: Hannah Pallubinsky (Maastrict University, The Netherlands), Mark Miller (University of Edinburgh, UK) and Oliver Witard (King’s College London, UK) Producer at The Physiological Society: Emily Wylde Transcript and re
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