Learning lessons from the Moon ⏲️ 6 Minute English

Summer 2023 saw two missions to the Moon. Why are scientists so keen to get there? Find out with Georgie and Neil.πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ ❓❓❓ This week’s question: Who was the third astronaut on the Apollo 11 mission, after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin? a) Yuri Gargarin b) Michael Collins c) Alan Shepard [Cover: Getty Images] You can download audio and a free programme transcript here πŸ‘‰ Vocabulary: βœ”οΈinert - not moving; unable to move βœ”οΈcrater - very large hole in the ground, which has been caused by something hitting it or by an explosion; the round hole at the top of a volcano βœ”οΈpockmarked - marked by small holes and scars βœ”οΈa big deal - important or significant βœ”οΈtrace (something back) - discover the causes of something by investigating how it developed βœ”οΈa smoking gun - indisputable incriminating evidence; conclusive proof of something More 6 Minute English episodes: ⭐ Can we live without plastic? πŸ‘‰ ⭐ Invasive species: Why not eat them? πŸ‘‰ ⭐ What and where is Little Italy? πŸ‘‰ ⭐ Social media and teenage health πŸ‘‰ ⭐ Elephant-proof farming πŸ‘‰ ⭐ Should we farm octopus? πŸ‘‰ ⭐ Ways to live for 100 years πŸ‘‰ ⭐ How green is your money? πŸ‘‰ ⭐ Mushrooms: Medicine or myth? πŸ‘‰ 🀩🀩🀩 SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more English videos and podcast English to help you improve your English πŸ‘‰ βœ”οΈ Visit our website πŸ‘‰ βœ”οΈ Follow us on Instagram πŸ‘‰ βœ”οΈ Find us on Facebook πŸ‘‰ βœ”οΈ Join us on TikTok πŸ‘‰ @bbclearningenglish We like receiving and reading your comments - please use English when you comment 😊 #learnenglish #bbclearningenglish #science #space #moon
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