LEO - Album ’In A Landscape’ [Official Clip]/全曲ダイジェスト
LEO (koto artist)
2021年3月24日発売アルバム「In A Landscape」全曲ダイジェスト公開中
■LEO New Album 「In A Landscape」 Release
Track List
: Violin Partita No.2 in D Minor, BWV 1004,Ⅰ.Allemande
Dowland: Lachrimae
Fujikura: Ryu
Yatsuhashi: Midare
: Cello Suite No.1 in G Major, BWV1007,Ⅰ.Prelude
Debussy: Estampes, Pagodes ( Noel Hiyamizu)
Sakamoto: 1919 ( Daisuke Shinoda)
Reich: Electric Counterpoint Ⅲ
Cage: In a Landscape
Recorded at prime sound studio form and Sound City on 5 Aug, 28 Sep, 2 Dec and 17 Dec 2020