Prayer That Changes Reality (Coherence Prayer, Where Two Or More Are Gathered)

Dedicaed sharing page here.... Prayer That Changes Reality (Coherence Prayer, Where Two Or More Ar Gathered) Yeshua told us where two or three gather in his name, there he will be. This means the powers of Christ should be among those gathering under the veil of thoughts and words about Christ. However what if gathering in his name is more than only word and intentions. What if it is frequency? “In the beginning was the word, and the word was God...“ Frequency was the beginning, and where those aligned in the correct frequency gather, if a great enoughu number be aligned, the powers of Christ can come into our story, even more potently than they did through Yeshua. That is why we will do greater works as he said, because 300 imperfectly connected disciples, might just open a pure connection to source, that surpassed the ability of one point of awareness in Yeshua the Christ. Share with the children here...
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