Berenstain Bears_ Trouble With Money_ Double Dare - Ep.6

6a “Trouble With Money” When Mama and Papa refuse to buy Brother and Sister trendy overly expensive sport shirts, the cubs decide to earn the money themselves. However the cubs go overboard and get so caught up in everything from lemonade stands to dog walking services that they leave themselves no time for their friends. It’s only when they finally reach their goal that Brother and Sister realize the price tag has turned out to a lot bigger than they thought. Their blind pursuit of material things has cost them their friends. 6b “Double Dare” Brother displays some real moxie when he attempts to get back Sisters skipping rope from Too Tall and his mischievous gang. Too Tall thinks Brother has what it takes to join his gang. After Brother becomes a member he’s required to follow the that means trespassing on Farmer Ben’s property to swipe watermelons. Brother is the only one caught and Farmer Ben has a heart to heart talk with him about how to deal with peer pressure.
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