Vídeo de Svetlana Chernetskaya

☮ New Earth ☮ The Time Is Now, Ancient Skywalkers Rise Up… You are being called into Wakefulness… Stand in the Beauty and Power of your True Identity… Set aside self-doubt. You are a Divine Child - Go where your Heart draws you to share your Great Gifts. Surrender to the Magic that you are as Love - And the Miracle will be Manifested Here on Earth! Remember, We Dance and Sing Here for the One Heart! Excerpts from the Mayan Oracle Video / Art : Ellen Vaman - One 1 Music; E - Qu “Drifting” by Peter Ries YouTube Link; Extended Credits to; AA VFX, Datura - glide trio, Tash, Maxres, argus film production #EllenVaman #PeterRies #Plotagraph NewYear #NewEarth #Peace #TribalDance #Gratitude #VisionaryArt #PhotoAnimation #Glitter #Star #Gif #Spiritual #Awakening #Love #Light #NewAge #Consciousness #Enlightenment #MusicVideo #Magical #Fantasy #Goddess #ThirdEye #SacredGeometry #Fractals #Cosmos #plotagraphambassadors
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