2024-09-13 _ INTEREST found in HUNGARIAN MONARCHY threats from another actor afterward _ why that

It was “only“ a movie I could attend as a barely 20y old boy, on request I had taken on (no training at all) a historical character in the 90s, and “probably did better then intended“ - but had mixed feeling about that whole process ... being “real or with strings attached“? ... there was IMHO too much “real solemness“ in it, was that another “proof“ that my very own GRANDFATHER KARL “has had another secret“, was he at the end KING of both parts of “ÖSTEREICH UNGARN“. BUT WAS NOT INFORMED AT ALL AND SADLY ENOUGH then unexspectantly immediately afterwards an “felt“ (“body language“) threat from a British actor who was probably feeling being set back? Was this historical play more than an “application” for alongside CAREER (because I was almost 20 years old back then and looking for a job but also alongside opportunities)? In the background I had (ans till have) the warning of my mother ELSE “not to make myself too interesting”, FIRST QUESTION: did my mother ELSE know about the potential for conflict? Why couldn’t she talk to me about it (even my ancestry was not communicated, when she started it a little bit she was shut down with the accuse of being mentally having dementia, being around 100y old then)? AGAIN ANS THIS IS MEANT SERIOUSLY: WHO KNOWS MORE? Somehow upset, this “British actor” appeared here at my small house address “Rostocker 42” ... and only now I understand this might have been serious a confrontation, TODAY on I have further surprising finds of my continuous INTERNET RESEARCHES, which I stumbled upon unintentionally 2020ff ... And only today (more and more substantiating) it is likely there in HUNGARY was not film interest only, were those NOBILITY-DREAMERS like supposedly in the CZECH REPUBLIK before? Please do not make contracts with the FORCES behind this breaking of Human Rights! ... like letting me in the dark with the pretense that I was an RESISTANCE FIGHTERS boy only, seeing now only that my own grandfather KARL (the same as the U.S. General Custer in the Civil War there) was more than that, and FRITZ, then replaced by John Clem (who got the price instead of FRITZ the original drummer-boy from around 1865) was also “real“ and my both mothers also “real“ and most likely oppressed even more than me (not saying that NOBILITY in itself makes you better than others). ... please take this maybe CRIMINAL HISTORICAL-SHIFTING OF RIGHTS seriously (would there be “reasons” from your point of view? to support my investigation?), please think SERIOUSLY from the perspective of a foreign monarchist! “DEMOCRATS“ among the “thieves“, like in the DDR-style? Abroad is still real “reigning nobility“ (as is said in the papers) abroad even today in 2024, September 14), but please also understand that as well, that in my opinion, British agents still (ans that legally also) have nothing to “look for” in the areas and environments of the region of the former German Empire and its environment and contracted areas of interest and also nothing (! ) in the areas of the former “Austria-Hungary” and also nothing in their also really contracted areas of interest there around (which could also include its colonies overseas), ... ... could the “this“ be misunderstood? There was also the saying that there had been legally binding agreements that even after the First World War (I myself can remember having been said my opinion about “welfare-evolvement“ in the world, that at the age of being a youth myself). THIS EVOLVES INTO A UNCOVERING of a strange illegal “concealment”, which by now seems to me also to myself like a “prescribed concealment” (illegally without any real grounds) and that “under duress” against my both MOTHERS, civil ELSE (VIKTORIA LUISE CHARLOTTE PREUSSEN/HOHENZOLLERN/ETC.) and DOROTHEA (JOHANNA MARINA HESSEN OB DER RHEIN/ETC. POSSIBLE AS WELL), ... ... it may be frighteningly true that dangers to “our“ life had kept my two “child bearing mothers“ ELSE and DOROTHEE mad them both silent therfore because of live threatening threads: INDEED I, MYSELF, FRIEDRICH/Fred/Frederick, the author of these DETECTIVE MOVIES from 2020 onward, have permanently two birth mothers: civil ELSE and DOROTHEE/DOROTHEA, at times them subordinate “vacation parents” were there also, my own true FATHER FRITZ JOHANN (U.) did not return home from the World War (but was really expected until the 90s, today safe to assume that my mother Else had really counted on a life expectancy of 120 years for him, which is no joke, as is all the other information here also that: true, please consider www . Fahrensleute . de). Thank you very much for all your interest. DIET. JOH. FRIEDRICH N., OSNABRUECK, SEPTEMBER, 14s, 2024. 2024-09-13, FRIEDRICH from Family-Researcher. de
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