2024-04-19 _ MANTRACKER “traveled“ internationally as FRIEDRICH or Frederi(c)k or Johnny, as a POOR diplomatic ORPHAN

LOOK ALSO @BRESLAU-FRIENDS / HERE IN ENGLISH: “TITLE HAD BEEN: “2024-04-19 _ ENGL - DT _ ERHÄRTEND Völkerverständigung _ KARL u FRITZ JOHANN Sicherheitsdienstleister _ KAISER Tochter mglw dabei“... now changed into: “2024-04-19 _ MANTRACKER “traveled“ internationally as FRIEDRICH or Frederi(c)k or Johnny, as a POOR diplomatic ORPHAN“ Update from April 20, 2024: my “knowledge“ (about the family mystery looked into) is solidifying little by little - due to puzzle fragments that are still found every day, there are still some minor corrections necessary (through memory work and searching in all kinds of databases, even more real knowledge comes to light), which point to the certainty “that all this must be BASICALLY true“). I am sorry (because of the large amount of time involved) that I STILL CAN NOT TELL (those who are interested in the secrets I am beginning to reveal) MORE FACTS than these “traces“ (unfortunately so far no more than these hardening traces are there, who is still hiding... it is done by “governments“). THE NEW “KNOWLEDGE“ OF TODAY (APRIL 20, 2024) LOOKS LIKE NAZI OR WORLD WAR 1 OR WORLD WAR 2 “DANGERS“; WAS THAT “DANGEROUS“ / “THREATENING“ EVEN UP TO 2000? - MAYBE EVEN UNTIL TODAY IN THE YEAR 2024 ??? MAYBE WE WERE MISTAKEN FOR JEWS? WHY COULD THIS STILL BE A PROBLEM, MAYBE BECAUSE MY FATHER FRITZ JOHANN HAD CHOSEN THE JEWISH “.“ GROUP (.=Reichsverband Jüdischer Frontkämpfer) AS HIS “CHOICE“? DID HE CONSIDER THEM TO BE THE MORE CAPABLE PEOPLE AS LEADING TEACHERS AND LEADING SCIENTISTS (KNOW SOME)? I still feel like a “tracker“ who follows confusing tracks in the forest.... TROUBLE “MADE UP“ ??? Somehow in 2021-2022 even the professionals in the medical system were manipulated against me (including the “ignorant“ patchwork family?), DID THIS HAPPEN to create a false medical record for decades since 1968 (or at least since 1974 when my schooling started with a false and then corrected record back then)? Is that why there had already been attempts to incapacitate (bring under false / unnecessary guardianship) my mother Else and my mother Dorothea - a disgrace for the Federal German legal system? that such a thing seems to be possible, unfortunately (the other side of Germany, the DDR) had “fought“ system critics in this way in the GDR (by false psychiatrists (!) as was rumored about), ... My suspicion is, that I now had been counted among the critics of the “Federal Republic-System“, which would be new information to me (!) Here in 2021/22 I had been falsely declared ill: that I was having “fits of rage“ and that I had the “mistaken belief“ that I belonged to a “noble family“ - both was falsely regarded as “lunatic“=sick by governmental doctors, this really happened in 2021-22 here in the Federal Republic of Germany (!) Besides the obligatory false guardianship-trials (counterattacked, maybe with the result of being left alone for some time). Before I stumbled across the findings that the STILL unbelieved resistance against Nazism in BRESLAU (1933-45) was true and the appreciation then unfortunately still missing (!)) ... before that, those false doctors-oppinions =“misdiagnoses“ of those IMHO “coffee-set-reader“ doctors were interpreted as a battle between conventional medicine and alternative practitioner opinions (some say “fighter nature“ BUT others “fits of rage-sick“?). Is that the new NON-FREEDOM here in Allied-Germany? WHICH IN FACT ONLY I, MYSELF, WAS AWARE OF: I (DJF) had mainly “traveled“ internationally as FRIEDRICH or Frederi(c)k or Johnny, as a POOR diplomatic orphan, “sponsored“ by caring diplomats (who had taken me around the world dozens of times in a private jet without customs borders, I had probably been supposed to get to know the long-distance reconnaissance diplomat life before my own career... ... unfortunately little had come of this perspective so far, but hidden away I had already been able to participate in some international mediations, naturally unknown what those had been. Unfortunately, here at home (in the “F.R. of Germany“) the wind was and is till blowing against me (from 1968 until today in 2024) almost permanently (politically? as anti-Christian? “wind“)? Because of my little 17y old preaching effords (that had been in 1987 in the ANGELASCHULE)? But perhaps it was because I was considered a traitor because of my relationship with the West AND East Allies or EVEN the East German government (HOWEVER, that was “my“ / “our“ freedom, NOT to be part of any “system“ (! )) ... . (N.) 2024-04-20)?
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