2024 10 20 HELP NEEDED FROM THE US AUSTRALIA - background having been with US PRESIDENT MR JOHNSON!

THIS IS IN ENGLISH TO REACH AN INTERNATIONAL AUDIENCE! To the worldwide audience ... at the end I explain why going open ... having had the fear to be robbed in daylight in 2021 / 2022, that was two times by suspicious POLICE MEN that were later not even giving me protocols (the government not answering my hundreds written request about that and the illegally hidden valuable parents history - listen yourself in this ENGLISH movie), please help me with diplomatic pressure (consider I want to be recognized as being born and raised in the United States from 1968 on, even that being hidden because of no governmental help to look into it) please help the FEDERAL REPUBLIC GOVERNMENT to give me enough evidence to solve that case out of court (was it false witness accounts or else), why was there even the idea it was maybe necessary me being brought to doctors, that I still am not wanting to meet (feeling like being mixed up with somewhere else), besides, never had been with “fits of rage“ for example, even when playing the character of DENNIS THE MENACE I was in full control! The next videos will be in German again, it is too much straining to talk in this unused language (but your help from the UNITED STATES and AUSTRALIA and BRAZIL and other places is very much needed, because of the behaviour of the strange GERMAN-FEDERAL GOVERNMENT I am not feeling secure any more, are there enemies at work from the EX-DDR or RUSSIA?). Thankyou for regarding help financially as well PAYPAL ME BRESLAUFRIENDS with a dot and slash in between. FRIEDRICH-VIER N. in OSNABRUECK in the FEDERAL REPUBLIK OF GERMANY
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