2024-01-22 _ Quietness till the 80th about Wartime _ the Matter of Deputizing _ look up BSFDrives .de

Here another “freespeech“ re-thinking video, I think, now in 2024 it is sure that both or all four “parents“ of me (.) had been “leaders“, they most likely had other “roles“ with “other names“ in other parts of the world (for this time then (most likely there was) then another placeholder like CARL MAY writing novels in the name of KARL (sitting for the tribesmen prison term), instead of my Grandfather KARL, the leader of his (private?) military and tribes). Somehow (even in 2024) in other parts of the world there is still the importance of “descent“ but not here in GERMANY - has that to do with the vast totally missing “values“ in form of stock market “values“ (the suspition could be... with no need to look for it, there would be for the state treasurers NO loss at all?) of that “values“ that were first “earned“ by KARL (Gen. Custer/Küster) and even more by . and their (till now) unknown system (that includes work-results of aristocratic and tribesmen, they had many “inventions“ like machinery and chemistry among those “values“ privately written to their human names (!))? Why are those 2024th inventions of “illness“ (suspition: wrong glasses on eyes giving wishful thinking a possibility?) even when those wrong illnesses are not there? Really interesting for me is, that no real problems are/were there (NOT for me), these inventions are started by “them“ (suspition: the unknown enemies) when I started this private investigation in 2019 and I am still not interested even to look into their appraised riduculous “therapies“ and the like. Has that to do with Yogoslavia (now nostly called KOSOVO), where a collegue (in the tribessystem of the leaders) had financial difficulities and invited me 12 year old (driven their in hours) by a western “prince“ that brought be into THREATENED difficulties (as I can remember, but after a day that was “over“ for now), letting me look like a “wanna be“ successor (even if that theoretically could be?). Real detectives are not “in sight“ to look into the possibilties that “money-interests“ are “tweaking reality? For now ONLY speculations? But of interest tor those who are interested enough to like real detectives (because the threatening false diagnosises let me look like a lunatic criminal/terrorist (!)). Is that the new dignaty (human-value) of a “western Democracy“ (“over-caring“ with wrong “lunatic doctors looking in the “bowl“ or “play prophets“, “what could happen“?)? In resistance, .
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