Biden’s ‘disturbing’ speech has the ‘stench of a man worried his grip of power is loosening’

President Joe Biden’s “disturbing” speech from Philadelphia comparing Donald Trump’s supporters to extremists was a “radical and dangerous” manoeuvre, Sky News Digital Editor Jack Houghton says. “There is nothing worse than a politician down in the polls using fear as a mechanism to drive voters to the polls,” Mr Houghton said. “Progressive journalists across America will unflinchingly regurgitate those lines which liken all Trump supporters to terrorists and extremists and alienate those people stuck between two political spectrums. “It was a clear strategy to rally support for the midterms and carried the stench of a man worried his grip of power is loosening. “Every journalist should be criticising him for such inflammatory and unnecessary language. “Rather than report fearlessly, my fear is they will simply turn a blind eye.”
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