’Bumbling and stumbling’ Joe Biden is ’laughable’

Sky News host Cory Bernardi says the “bumbling, stumbling, lies and chaos” of US President Joe Biden’s administration is “laughable” – but the situation is serious. “That Biden is living with cognitive decline is undeniable,” he said. “We see the evidence of it almost every day. In that he’s not alone, many families are dealing with that very circumstance and it is no laughing matter.” Mr Bernardi said most citizens who are afflicted with conditions like President Biden’s “are not leaders of the free world” and don’t have the president’s responsibilities. “That global tensions are rising is as undeniable as Biden’s dementia - there are border wars and economic calamities that need to be dealt with and America will need to be at the forefront of that,” he said. “It’s a real question whether Biden is capable of making prudent decisions to deal with these matters and that has implications for Australia.” He discussed the issue with former Labor MP Mic
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