A collaboration between globe-trotting producer Mose and world soul artist Poranguí, “Otorongo (Mose Remix)” is the first single to be released from this timeless collection of deep hypnotic tracks. “Otorongo” meaning “jaguar“ in Quechua, pays homage to the master of the jungle night teaching us to stalk and devour our fear so we may fully embody our courage to face the uncertainty of life. May this offering inspire you to move in new unforeseen ways.
To all of our relations who silently pass into extinction through our misuse of fire. May the loss of their countless songs & medicines not be in vain as they live on through us. Otorongo helps us to stalk and devour our fear so we may fully embody our courage to face the uncertainty of life with unflinching love.
Otorongo, gran maestro
enséñanos tus caminos,
enséñanos a caminar sin miedo
para que podamos tener coraje.
Enséñanos de tu corazón valiente.
Gracias Otorongo.
Otorongo eh nei rei rei
Yanarai rei rei rei rei
Yanai narai rai rai rai rai rai
5 months ago 01:46:31 1
Liquid Bloom @ Being Gathering - Ambient Sound Journey