dental bridges. clinical case

clinical case , upper and lower PFM 3D dental bridges step by step all in one Dents de pont avant et après , 前後のブリッジ歯 , שיני גשר כתר kroonbrugtanden , ,Porcelain fused to metal (PFM) 3D cad cam for anterior teeth 冠桥齿 , krona bridge tänder 크라운 브리지 치아 و коронка мостовидные зубы #dental #bridge #teeth 00:00 introduction , Lower jaw 00:06 upper jaw 00:18 patient bite 00:40 preparation teeth 00:46 dental impression 00:58 mixing heavy body with accelerator silicon . tend dental 01:45 perforated dental tray 01:57 how to do silicon dental impression material ? 03:11 bite registration 04:07 VITA Shade 3D - Master 04:37 study cast 04:51 dental bridge arrived 05:24 lower teeth before insertion 05:45 after insertion lower dental bridge 06:44 cementation upper pfm 3d porcelain dental bridge Köprü Dişleri #Öncesi ve Sonrası, #Мостовидные зубы до и после Bridge Tänder #före och efter , שיניים מגשר לפני ואחר# full dental case treatment Improper or #misaligned #smile gets restored. Improper bite is re-adju
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