Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith (PC, 1998) - Full Game / All Secrets

Full game playthrough of Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith. This is a standalone expansion of Dark Forces 2, even though it was standalone, it originally made you put in your Dark Forces 2 cd when you started the game up to verify you owned the original. You play as Kyle Katarn for the first few levels, but switch over and play as Mara Jade for the rest of the game. Even though it has fewer levels, I found that it takes about the same time to get through as the first game. There are some parts that are quite a bit trickier, including some of the really tough jumps to get some of the secrets and some of the enemies towards the end of the game can destroy you in a single hit or two. When you get to Droumund Kaas, your weapons all fry out, forcing you to you use your lightsaber for the remainder of the game.
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