The Gamma Goat Military Amphibious 6x6 Vehicle & Welding Safety Tips Stacey David’s Gearz S4 E1
When it comes to off-road vehicles, more is usually better. This is especially true when tires are involved. Stacey takes you through the nuts and bolts of one of the most incredible off-road vehicles ever built…..the Gamma Goat. What!?!... You’ve never heard of it??? Well that’s probably because you were not in the military. Because only the military could dream up an articulating, six-wheel-drive, amphibious monster like this, and still keep it street legal! After that, Stacey walks you through some important safety tips and tricks that you need to know if you are going to be welding in your shop… so lock and load and strap in ‘cuz it’s all coming at you today on GEARZ!