Dream Theater • Raise the Knife (CC) [Karaoke Instrumental Lyrics]

Karaoke Instrumental CDG Lyrics Authentic backing track (This is one of my Top-5 favorite Dream Theater tracks. To me it is a great example of where the band was heading with FII before the label got involved. This is not the original, as it was not on the main album and thus not included in the Jammit tracks, but a fantastic cover by Acid Rain. I don’t usually use covers and set a really high bar if I do. This makes the cut. Speaking of cuts, I ’Raised the Knife“ pun intended to the final Chorus, but left in the instrumental/solo. This brings the vocal portion down below the 7 minute mark for use in bars. I figured it was an easy cut to make since the chorus is simply repeated at the end and there’s such a sound break right before it.)
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