Daniel Gottlob Türk (1750-1813) - Sonata in G-Dur (1789)

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Daniel Gottlob Türk! 🎹🎁 Composer: Daniel Gottlob Türk (1750-1813) Work: Sonata (G-Dur) aus Sechs Klaviersonaten, größtentheils für Kenner (1789) Performers: Tobias Kοch (pianoforte, 1790) Sonata in G-Dur (1789) 1. Allegro assai 0:00 2. Grave e pomposo 4:46 3. Prestissimo 7:09 Painting: Charles Lepeintre (1735-1803) - La famille Jacob (1792) HD image: Further info: Listen free: --- Daniel Gottlob Türk [Tuerck, Tuerk, Türck] (Claussnitz, 10 August 1750 - Halle, 26 August 1813) German theorist and composer. Son of Daniel Türcke, instrumentalist in the service of Count Schönburg, he was trained at an early age for the hosiery firm, received his first music lessons from his father and learnt several wind instruments with his father’s colleagues. At the Dresden Kreuzschule he received thorough musical education under the Kantor Gottfried August Homilius, a former pupil of Johann Sebastian Bach. In 1772 he enrolled in law at the University of Leipzig while continuing to study under Johann Adam Hiller. In 1774 he was appointed as Kantor at the Ulrichskirche in Halle, and five years later he was awarded a doctorate at the University of Halle, where he taught seminars in music. In 1787 he became Kapellmeister at the Marienkirche in the city, and in the early part of the 19th century he was a leading figure in the Halle revival of George Frederick Handel. Daniel Gottlob Türk was best known as a music theorist, whose seven treatises include the seminal ’Clavierschule’ (1789) and the ’Anweisung zum Generalbass-Schule’ (1791), than a composer. Nevertheless, his music, written in the North German style, includes 20 cantatas, 21 Lieder, an opera, 46 chorales, a Choralbuch, 38 keyboard sonatas, and 164 smaller works for keyboard.
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