Can You Really Chew An Indium Stick Of Gum? Metal You Can Bite!

In this video I check out the saying that indium metal is so soft you could chew it like gum or tar in your mouth. So I made a stick of “indium gum“ to chew. Before I attempt to chew it, I first show some of the cool features of indium metal like how it “cries“ when you bend it. Also I show how it forms an alloy with gallium that has a lower melting point than either of the two metals. It also can make some really neat mirrors since it is able to “wet“ glass. Finally I chew my stick of indium. It is surprisingly easy to chew and didn’t hurt my teeth at all! Visit my facebook page at: Send me things to crush at: PO Box 482 North Plains OR 97133 *If you do send me something message me so I know it’s coming!
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