Various Story Titles Only (1931)

Various title cards from stories in the 21st Anniversary edition of Pathe Newsreels. Location of film for these stories is unclear. Title reads: “These pictures - though simple, are historic. You see the last British Troops to leave Ireland, marking the birth of the Irish Free State.“ Title reads: “Gandhi was agitating then - as now!“ Title reads: “Mussolini and his fascist army in the bloodless capture of Rome - and power - in 1922 altered the whole course of Italy’s history.“ Title reads: “The shelling of the Four Courts - and dramatic end of Rory O’Connor - the last of the Rebels.“ Title reads: “An Epitome of the Sinn Feinn Campaign & troubles in Ireland 1918-1922.“ Title reads: “HH Pope Pius XI blessed the World, marking the first time a Pope had appeared in Public since 1870 ... and afterwards graciously allowed these - the first pictures ever to be taken in the Vatican Gardens.“ Title reads: “British Troops were then occupying the Rhineland.“ Title reads: “The Wedding of Princess Mary & Viscou
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