Army Gymnasts This Story Is Incomplete (1962)

Please note that this story is incomplete - the last 300 ft of the story is currently missing. However the cuts (out takes, rushes) to CP 388, including some shots similar to those missing from this story, are on Pathe Master tape *PM0185*. Aldershot, Hampshire. M/S of a soldier scrambling up a net on an assault course, tilt down to another soldier climbing - they are “highly trained members of the Army Physical Training Corps“. M/S of the two soldiers reaching the top of the net, tilt down to follow the soldiers as they climb down the other side of the net. C/U of the first soldier reaching the ground, he looks up and says something to the other soldier, as he turns we see his stripes. Low angle shot of a soldier on a high rope course, panning shot to two more soldiers walking along a rope bridge strung between two trees. Low angle shot of a soldier sliding down a cable over the camera. M/S of the soldier sliding past the camera at great speed. M/S of the soldier landing on the ground, he is
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