News In A Nutshell (1936)

Item title reads - News in a Nutshell. Intertitle - ’New York City’ (America, USA) - L/S of Madison Square Park full of people protesting about having to clear the snow off the streets in the very cold weather. They argue with each other and wave banners. Police intervene when it gets out of hand and use their truncheons, the protesters push back. Intertitle - ’Budapest’ (Hungary) - L/S of the fortress of Buda cracked by a landslide in the hills. Various shots of the cracks in the stonework. M/S of a bore, and pipes taken out of a trench. Various shots of props being used to support the building. Intertitle - ’United States’ (America, USA) - Interior L/S of a basketball game, huge crowds sit around the court. Various shots of the game and the crowd cheering when their team scores. Intertitle - ’Southampton’ - (Hampshire) - L/S of the liner “Majestic“ coming into dock for the last time, her future is uncertain. Various good shots of the ship in the dock. Intertitle missing, should read ’A
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