A Really Old Time Job (1924)

Intertitle reads: “On the edge of the Cotswolds you can still find the same old kind of tanyards as existed about the year dot.“ High angle shot of the exterior of a broken down looking tannery. A man pushes a wheel barrow full of pelts whilst another man hoses lifts pelts in and out of a hole full of water with a stick. “No modern factory methods here... the wool is pulled from the sheepskin by hand.“ M/S of a man with a skin laid out on a board. He stands behind the board pulling off the wool. “Even the machine for grinding tanning bark isn’t 1 h.p.“ A donkey walks in a circle in an outhouse - it is attached to a millstone. Worker stands in the middle of the building with a whip to encourage the donkey. The Tanpits are shown. Three men are hard at work dipping skins in various pits of water. “Colour fashions in gloves change ... hence the old dye pot, where a gentleman known as “Dusty Harris“ officiates...“ An elderly man stands by a pot on an outside fire. He stirs the pot as smoke rises
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