Circus Thrills At Olympia (1935)

Item title reads - Circus thrills at Olympia. London. (Bertram Mills ?) A band marches into the ring followed by horses. M/S of a clown playing a tuber in the audience, water spurts out of his head. M/S of miniature ponies pulling a stagecoach. A boy blows a bugle on the back. M/S of little boy riding a small zebra, a tall clown follows. M/S of a man walking along upside down on a plank with suckers on his feet. M/S of a cycling act on the high wire, a chair is balanced between two bicycles and a third bicycle balances on that, a lady sits on the rider’s shoulders. M/S as they all cycle to the other side. L/S of crowd applauding and cheering. M/S of a lady in glamorous evening dress, a seal follows her around walking on its front flippers, it walks backwards down a stepladder whilst balancing a lamp on its nose. M/S of horses all jumping up on their hind legs. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING
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