News In A Nutshell (1936)

Item title reads - News in a Nutshell. Intertitle - ’Downing Street’ (London) - A Cabinet meeting is called in response to Germany’s reoccupation of the Rhineland. L/S of people lining the pavement on Downing Street, the camera pans across them. M/S of Soviet Ambassador Mr Ivan Maisky leaving the Foreign Office and getting into a car. M/S as Mr J. H. Thomas and Mr Walter Runciman (President of the Board of Trade) leave 10 Downing Street together chatting. M/S as Lord Hailsham (the Lord Chancellor) and Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister (Secretary for Air) emerge and walk on looking at the camera. M/S as Sir John Simon (Home Secretary) and Oliver Stanley (President of the Board of Education) leave deep in conversation. M/S profile as opposition leader Clement Attlee arrives for a meeting with Stanley Baldwin. M/S of Anthony Eden emerging and walking past the camera. L/S as crowds move on. Intertitle - ’Croydon’ (Greater London) - M/S as Tommy Rose’s monoplane comes into land at Croydon aerodrome and taxi
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