Other Days - Other Ways (1933)

Intertitle reads: “The other day our camera slipped back into the “Naughty Nineties“ - and what a sight!“. Parade of women dressed in 1890s outfits. Intertitle reads: “To get all these ladies into vehicles today would give the car designers something to think about“. Camera pans across the women. Intertitle: “Comparisons, they say, are odious —-“. This is followed by the 1890s women walking along a line of women dressed in modern day (1920s) dresses. The 1890s women finger the short skirts of these modern women in disapproval. A woman in old-fashioned garb takes the cigarette out of a modern girl’s mouth, throws it on the ground and stamps on it! They laugh. The flapper type picks it up again and smokes it. The women then all cross from right to left on bikes or running. Story incomplete? Was item in Eve’s Film Review issue 609. Safety print exists. Probably to be found on “Friends of Fashion“ reel. Note: nice comparisons of old fashioned attitudes and styles of dress with the freed
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