Fighting Father Time (1929)

Filmed at Sudbury in Middlesex. “Father Time is always after us - not even Methusalah or Fanny Ward can shake him off. But the girls of today are doing their best to give him a race for it.“ L/S of girls in a hurdling race. They run towards the camera. “A few miles of this exercise per week will keep Father Time a lap behind.“ M/S of girls jumping hurdles in slow motion - filmed from the side. “Nippies“ - and “tres“ quick.“ Low angle of girls running towards a finishing line. They put their hands in the air as the race ends. “The “Goodnight“ race...“ Girls crouch down on the starting line, they have to light a candle, put on pyjamas and a hat then run along with the candles. “Girls of the Crinoline Brigade would stand no chance with these modern Amazons...“ M/S of a line of girls pulling on a rope in a tug of war. They wear sports skirts and jumpers, striped knee socks and headbands. We see the other team digging in their heels. Various shots of the two teams straining against the rop
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