No title. M/S of a country lane passing beside a picturesque cottage. View of another quaint country lane. Thatched cottage. “Carved in the eternal hills are the badges of famous Regiments, and workers - “ L/S of a hillside with lettering carved out - white chalky ground shows underneath (like the “white horse“ carvings). Closer view of one of the carvings - a crest of arms and the letters LRB. Camera pans across to show another emblem. Panning shot showing several of these unusual hill markings including one with the YMCA logo, another which reads 6CLR.
“Hills of Remembrance - the men and women who lived in the great camps are no longer here, but their memory is kept evergreen.“ M/S of a man on the hillside - he may be planting seeds in the areas which represent the emblems. High angle shot of the landscape from the top of the hillside.
Note: paper records state that this is at Fovant Downs in Wiltshire.
Was an item in Eve’s Film Review issue number 579.