Navy Day (1935)

Full title reads: “Navy Day. America’s sea strength“. United States of America (USA). L/S of battleships at sea. Aerial shot of college buildings on coast (Annapolis Naval Academy?). C/U of wrought iron gates with college insignia on. L/S of Naval cadets marching around college compound. L/S of dome on building. Various shots of memorial to ’John Paul Jones’ in marble foyer of building. Various shots of Naval Cadets marching. M/S of man working at desk - could be Mr. Swanson, US Secretary of the Navy. C/U of door to Swanson’s office. C/U of another man using a telephone. C/U of door to Chief of Naval Operation’s office. M/S of high ranking US Navy officer passing orders to more junior officer. Various shots of battleship at sea - we see sailors loading and firing artillery guns. Various shots of aeroplane in flights, including C/U of pilot in cockpit. Aerial shots of fleet of battleships at sea. Various shots of signal flags being hoisted up mast. C/U of Navy bugler. Var
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