Amusing The Kiddies - By Mr Thornley Dodge (1920-1929)

Intertitle reads: “When you’re at your wits end how to pass a quiet evening with a restless bevy of mischief, let Father try this method“. Mr Thornley Dodge entertains a group of children by drawing cartoons on an easel. He draws Bluebeard and a Fairy Queen. A sulky looking child stands and points. Intertitle reads: “Small voice - with chorus - “Rotten - it’s got no wings!“. Mr Thornley Dodge obliges by drawing some on. The children all run up to look at the picture. The tiniest of the children is seen in C/U looking at the picture and pronounces it “Um - fair“. C/U of two young girls, one of whom says in an intertitle: “I’d love to marry a clever man like that“. The children ask him to draw food and a bottle of wine. He does so. C/U of young girl saying “Isn’t it lovely“. The children applaud the artist. Two children fight over the drawings and rip them in the process. They are told off by Mr Thornley Dodge who makes them kiss and make up. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PAT
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