Jerry The Troublesome Tyke - “Weather“ Sic Or Not (1926)

Animation featuring Jerry the Troublesome Tyke - a cartoon dog. A . production. A tin can bounces along the road. It is attached to Jerry’s tail. “Five miles, and I haven’t gained an inch!“ reads an intertitle. Jerry looks behind at the can. Jerry runs through a hole in a fence but the tin can is too big to follow him through. Jerry runs on the spot until the string snaps. Jerry rolls along until he hits a cleat on the quayside. He looks at his tail and wags it to make sure that it is still working OK. He looks at the boat which is attached to the cleat: “Here’s a chance, I’ll stowaway!“ Jerry walks up the gangplank. “A few days later.“ Jerry sticks his head out of a funnel. He jumps out and sticks his tongue out. “If I don’t eat soon I’ll be a skeleton!“ Jerry has a wander and walks through an open door. We see his head sticking out of an open door next to the door to the kitchen. A string of sausages is hanging down. Jerry spots them and his nose wiggles. He grabs the sausages
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