“Footballers In Training“ - A Few Minutes With Cardiff City (1923)

Cardiff City Football Club are seen in training. Sam Hardy is seen in C/U smiling in a shirt and tie. Bert Smith is featured with the proviso: “excuse him for not looking as happy as Sam.... he’s studying his Income Tax form!“ Bert is seen in C/U wearing a nice woolly jumper reading a piece of paper. Len Davies is shown running towards the ball in slow motion and kicking it past the camera. Captain Latham M.C. their trainer is attending to his friend Evans. Evans sits with his leg on Captain Latham’s knee who rubs his ankles. C/U of Captain Latham rubbing the ankle and smiling at the camera. We see the team running around the pitch, practising headers and taking shots at goal. We then see the team kick the balls in slow motion. “No one has produced an “Ultra-Rapid“ Goalie but when Farquharson and friend see this film they’ll wish they had Ultra-Rapid eyes...“ We see the goalie make a save in slow motion. Was an item in Pathe Pictorial issue 266. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PA
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