The King’ singers

Deconstructing Johann“ J. S. Bach had a little problem. J. S. Bach was in a fix. J. S. Bach couldn’t find an answer. What to do? I’ve written most of a rather fabulous work! Toccata, it’s in D minor, but now I’m feeling a bit of a jerk. I can’t think of what should come after it. Now, said his wife, who was resting up after her 33rd child. Johann, my dear, you should just go to bed. Something always comes up. Don’t be a twit! It’s a real crisis and I’m working to a deadline. What can I fit? What to fit after the great toccata Maybe it needs to be something faster I haven’t got a clue and in a week the piece is due I’m in a panic and I’m stuck like glue. Don’t get your knickers in a twist, Johann, ’Those are only notes,’ you always said. There’s only twelve so use your head How many arrangements of twelve notes can there possibly be? That’s a problem I don’t want to deal with How many permutations on C and D and E and F and G, A, B is a thing that I never heard of. You can leave that to Arnold Schönberg He is the person to do that twelve-tone thing No! No! It isn’t the answer, I haven’t the foggiest. What am I gonna do? I’m all in a panic Aaah, no. What can I do? I’ve finished my toccata but I have no fugue (Звонит телефон) Ah... and now I’ve got the fugue!
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