the most embarrassing kingdom arena fight ever [cookie run kingdom]

this is my most embarrassing kingdom arena fight ever I shouldve known that a single cookie with 150k power is very sketchy and IN MY DEFENSE I EXPECTED SOME HIGH LEVELED SEA FAIRY AND THAT id survive the nuke and defeat her during the very long cooldown thikn i got something way worse. ;;__; BUT I STILL THIKN THIS PERSON WAS SUPER COOL???? like I DEFINITELY DIDNT EXPECT THEIR STRATEGY TO WORK OUT (i literally screamed internally when vamps revived with the feather treasure) SO I HAVE HUGEEE RESPECT FOR THEM and i now strive to be like that one day and destroy whole teams in the arena with just squid ink (whenever i get squinky tho it still seems like im far from that :’’)) Audio is from:
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