Lesson 2: The MAYA | “JBelly Juicy Hip Series” | Bellydance w/ @jbellyburn

Hi Beauty! Welcome to my bellydance channel. JBelly School of RAQ: Bellydance I offer classes, performances and more via Zoom, In-Studio in New York city and global. My goal is to provide affordable professional classes for any level dancer no matter where you live! I can’t wait to dance with you! 🔥Register Today at Lesson 2 of my JBelly Juicy Hip Series: The MAYA “The Maya hip is a very well known bellydance movement and will work your lateral abdominals! It is in the family of Figure 8’s. This movement runs on the vertical plane and creates the shape of an 8. Play with level changes, ...using your feet to enhance the movement or staying flat footed. I hope you enjoy this series!“ CONNECT WITH JANELLE!! Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube:
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