Realistic Crepe Paper Flowers, Daffodils (Narcissus)

Realistic Crepe Paper Daffodils You know that spring is really on its way when the daffodils are bursting into bloom and looking beautiful in your garden! And what better way to keep them blossoming all year round in your home than by creating your own pretty little crepe paper paper is perfect as it has a wonderful stretch, which helps to create natural curves and shapes that can be used to recreate the daffodil’s splendid yellow trumpet and petals Paper flowers are Art. Paper flowers by themselves are the newest magical art of the XXI century. An escape from the technological world and travelling back to the good old traditions of handcrafting. I love flowers, but don’t love cut flowers. They are very, very sad – their lives are shortened because of our ideas of beauty and style, and I don’t want them to die after one hour in the summer heat. The world is full of people, who have allergies and can’t enjoy the presence of the flowers in their lives. In all th
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