Lessons taught by the “Syrian revolution“ after 10 years

Kevork Almassian addresses the so-called “Syrian revolution“ after 10 years of the war on Syria and elaborates the lessons that need to be learned from the Syrian experience. It is a long video but worth watching and sharing! 📲 Sponsor Syriana Analysis on Patreon ​ 📲 Support Syriana Analysis through PayPal ​ 📲Send BTC: 75e2ef2f-3bf5-4e6a-bf94-2a800381746d Books to read (Affiliate links): The Struggle of Major Powers Over Syria: ​ War and Chaos in the Middle East: An Arab Perspective (German edition): The Dirty War on Syria: ​ Voices from Syria: ​ The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives Electronic: ​ Hard Copy: ​
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