Charles/Erik ||XMFC|| - Shattered

Erik and Charles. The ultimate First Class OTP. *HD is your best friend* How beautiful they are together.. it hurts! I was looking through my old videos and when I heard that song again (I already made a vid on it but for another fandom) all I was thinking is “omg! it’s totally Erik and Charles! I NEED to vid it“ LOL So after many hours of tears and pain, here it is. Hope you will enjoy! Song: Shattered - Trading Yesterday Clips: Movie X-Men First Class, Marvel and etc. This one is dedicated to all the Fassavoy/McFassy fans of the universe and beyond! Hope you will love your gift! ;) Honors: 2011-07-11 : #78 - Top Favorited (This Week) - Film Animation - Canada #101 - Top Favorited (Today) - Canada
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