Bach: St John Passion | Choir & Orchestra of the J.S. Bach Foundation, Rudolf Lutz (2022)

An exciting concert from the Leipzig Bach Festival 2022: St John Passion by Johann Sebastian Bach (1749 version). The Choir & Orchestra of the J.S. Bach Foundation sing and play, conducted by Rudolf Lutz. The concert takes place at the tradition-steeped St Thomas Church Leipzig, where Bach himself spent time working. Performers: Evangelist and Arias: Daniel Johannsen | TENOR Jesus: Peter Harvey | BASS Miriam Feuersinger | SOPRANO Alex Potter | ALTUS Pilate and Arias: Matthias Helm | BASS Choir & Orchestra of the J.S. Bach Foundation St. Gallen Rudolf Lutz | CONDUCTOR Program: 00:00 Intro 00:21 Herr, unser Herrscher (choir) 08:57 Jesus ging mit seinen Jüngern (recitative) 11:29 O große Lieb (choir) 12:22 Auf dass das Wort (rec.) 13:40 Dein Will gescheh’ (choir) 14:31 Die Schar aber (rec.) 15:21 Von den Stricken meiner Sünden (aria) 20:05 Simon Petrus aber (rec.) 20:20 Ich folge dir gleichfalls mit freudigen Schritte
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