Turned Fallout 4 Into A Synth Apocalypse - Scorched Earth - [OLD March 12, 2022]

I’m always brainstorming new playthrough ideas I could potentially do for Fallout 4 and landed on the idea a while ago of a synth apocalypse heavily inspired by the Terminator. The institute in my head cannon is full-on evil and is pulling an Enclave or “Skynet“ by using their synths to eradicate all life in the commonwealth. The institute didn’t seem like a threat in the vanilla game, but NPCs and dialogue in-game thought otherwise. so I took matters into my own hands. I recorded this gameplay a year ago and never uploaded it, mostly because I got sidetracked with a bunch of new mods and games, so I ended up archiving it for later. MODS USED: ENVIROMENT/ QUALITY OF LIFE MODS: Resurrection Dead Edition: (combined with spiffyskytroopers scorched earth mod) Mutilated Dead Bodies: PAC - Project Apocalyptic Commonwealth: https://www
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