Aemond & Helaena | Sapphire Spider (AU)

“Their eyes met and everything went silent. All he could hear was her heartbeat. Fast, just like his.“ 𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬: Helaena and Aemond Targaryen have always shared a special bond that has grown into love and desire over the years. Now Aemond has to watch his sister, the woman he loves, marry his brother, a man he hates. Will they be able to keep their distance to protect the princess’s reputation or will they give into their love and risk everything? read here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hi guys! please do yourself a favor and read this amazing fanfiction written by my talented friend @Lilylilie ♡ Honestly I feel like every helaemond shipper/and not only!/ should just read this. It has everything what I personally wanted to see between these two, it shows of what could’ve been and what can still
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