Sigung Moy Tung Seminar
Moy Yat (梅逸) (June 28, 1938 - January 23, 2001) was a Chinese martial artist, painter, seal maker, teacher and author. He was a student of the legendary Wing Chun Kung Fu teacher Yip Man (also romanized as Ip Man) from 1957 until Yip Man’s death in 1972.
Moy Yat was a teacher of the Ving Tsun ( 詠春, also romanized as Wing Chun or Wing Tsun) style of Kung-Fu. He began teaching in Hong Kong, in 1962, at the direction of his Sifu (teacher), Yip Man. After Yip Man’s death, Moy Yat moved to New York City and began teaching there until he retired from teaching at age 60. According to Inside Kung Fu Magazine, he was “...considered among the greatest martial arts teachers of all time.“
Moy Yat was the author of six books: 108 Muk Yan Jong; Wing Chun Kuen Kuit; A Legend of Kung Fu Masters; Dummy: A Tool for Kung Fu; Wing Chun Trilogy; and Luk Dim Poon Kwan. Wing Chun Kuen Kuit includes prints of Moy Yat’s famous stone carvings of the his
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